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At Transform, we're all about making disciples

about transform discipleship

Transform Discipleship Mentoring:
Many people have made the decision of trusting Christ as their Savior and have become a believer /Christian. However, the challenge we face today is that so few have gone on to become committed followers and Disciples of Jesus Christ. I want to emphasize that becoming a Christian is only the start of the plan of God’s great Grace. Going on to maturity and becoming a committed and effective disciple is all the rest of the plan God intended when he made provision through Christ sacrificial death on the cross. Transform Discipleship Mentoring has a vision and a plan to take believers on a journey from whatever stage they have reached and grow them into mature and effective disciples, followers of Jesus Christ.

Our Purpose:
The purpose of Transform Discipleship Mentoring is to help and encourage believers to grow into mature devoted followers of Jesus Christ. We will accomplish this through an intentional discipleship process that includes an examination of the scriptural pattern of discipling as well as building solid accountable relationships.

Transform is designed for:
- New Believers and , those who have recommitted their lives to Christ

- Older Christians, those who have never been intentionally Discipled

- and for those who desire to be a blessing as Disciple Makers

This spiritual training process/journey is designed to help believer /Christians (of all ages) to become committed  disciples. Then from a committed disciple to a disciple-maker. thereby becoming a part of an ongoing multiplying life cycle. This is actually the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) that Christ made clear when he said “GO”.

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